Indoor shooting range rules.


Alaska Ammo Facility Rules & Procedures
Firearms must be unloaded and cased until the shooter is on the firing line.
The last shooters are allowed out on the range one hour prior to the range going cold. If you are shooting with us for the first time, we suggest that you arrive 15 minutes prior to when you want to shoot so you have enough time to complete our safety waiver and briefing of our range safety rules.
Guests are allowed to bring their own firearms & ammunition. Please see the range rules below for the ammunition requirements. If you are unsure whether your ammunition is allowed, please ask range staff.

Indoor Firearm Range Rules
Range Safety Officers are always present to ensure the safety of all shooters and bystanders. Each Range Safety Officer may use their full discretion concerning safety on the range. If unsafe behavior occurs, a warning or corrective instruction will be given. If the unsafe behavior continues to occur, that participant will be asked to leave the range. Please be kind and respectful to the Range Safety Officers. They are there to ensure the safety of you and your neighbors. And always remember, the Range Safety Officers have the final say. If you observe a violation of these range rules, please bring it to the attention of any team member and we will take immediate corrective action. It is our goal to provide you with a safe and fun range experience. Thank you, from the Alaska Ammo team.

Basic Safety

  1. Keep your firearm unloaded and cased until you enter your shooting stall. Do not enter the store with a loaded firearm. Uncase all firearms in the shooting stalls only.
  2. Always keep firearms unloaded and your finger off the trigger until you are in the stall, on target, and ready to shoot.
  3. When leaving the range area, ensure all firearms are unloaded and cased.
  4. Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times while in the firing area. This includes entering the airlock. Earmuffs are required to be worn while inside the range. Earplugs are not considered to be sufficient ear protection.
  5. Dry firing is permitted from the shooting stall only.
  6. If you have a jam or malfunction and cannot clear the issue yourself, place the firearm on the bench with the barrel pointed down range. Then, ask a Range Safety Officer (RSO) for assistance. Do not remove the firearm from the shooting stall.
  7. Do not hand a loaded firearm to another person. Place the firearm on the shooting bench and allow them to pick the firearm up from the bench.
  8. Commands issued by a Range Safety Officer must be followed immediately. When the command “CEASE FIRE” is given: STOP SHOOTING immediately and REMOVE your finger from the trigger; keep the firearm pointed down range, remove the magazine from your firearm, lock the slide to the rear, and place your firearm on the bench. Wait for further instructions from a Range Safety Officer.
  9. Two people maximum per lane – other guests must remain in the retail area. Only one shooter may fire at a time.
  10. No one is permitted across the firing line at any time. Request a Range Safety Officer to retrieve any equipment that falls beyond the firing line.
  11. Use the appropriate size target, placed on the cardboard backing below the black line, to ensure that your shot strikes the backstop and not the floor, ceiling, or target carrier.
  12. Shooting at anything other than your own target is prohibited and will subject you to immediate removal from the range. No cross-lane shooting.
  13. Report all violations of range rules to range staff.
  14. Alaska Ammo’s bullet traps are designed to handle handgun and rifle calibers up to .50 caliber. If you are unsure if your firearm may be shot on the range, please ask a Range Safety Officer for assistance.
  15. Be sure your firearm is safe to operate and know how to properly operate it. Please see a Range Safety Officer if you have any questions.
  16. Accidental discharges, damage, or injuries (no matter how minor) must be reported to a Range Safety Officer immediately.

Dress Code
This dress code is in place for your safety and to prevent hot brass from making contact with your skin. Alaska Ammo reserves the right to refuse anyone to shoot at our facility for dress code.

  1. No open-toed shoes or high heels are permitted on the range. We suggest comfortable tennis shoes.
  2. No tank tops, low-cut, see-through, or cropped shirts are permitted on the range. Hoods are not to be worn inside the facility at any time. No bathrobes or any other uncommon attire.
  3. Pants are to be always worn at waist level in the facility.

Age Requirements

  1. All guests of Alaska Ammo must comply with the following age requirements:
  2. Shooters must be of a minimum age of 12 years old.
  3. Shooters between the ages of 12-17 must be with a parent or legal guardian and under their direct supervision to shoot a handgun or long-gun.
  4. All shooters under the age of 18 must be accompanied on the same lane by a parent or legal guardian at all times on the range.
  5. To rent a semiautomatic or bolt-action rifle, you must be 18 years of age or older.
  6. To rent a semiautomatic or pump-shotgun, you must be 18 years of age or older.
  7. To rent a handgun or suppressor, or short barreled rifle, you must be 21 years of age or older.
  8. To rent or operate a machine gun firearm, you must be 21 years of age or older.

Prohibited Ammunition, Devices, and Materials

  1. The following types of ammunition are NOT permitted on the range:
  2. Steel Core
  3. Armor Piercing
  4. Green-Tip or Tracers
  5. Incendiary
  6. Black Powder or Muzzleloaders
  7. Bird-Shot, Buck-Shot, or any other type of ammunition which includes a Shot type of projectile
  8. Any other type of ammunition which is not listed but deemed unsafe by a Range Safety Officer
  9. Slugs ARE permitted to be used in Shotguns.
  10. Shooters aged between 18-20 must be accompanied by someone 21 years of age or older to shoot a handgun. This age requirement includes handguns legally owned by individuals under the age of 21.
  11. To purchase shotgun ammunition, rifle ammunition, air-rifle pellets or BBs, you must be 18 years of age or older.
  12. To purchase handgun ammunition, primers, or reloading powder, you must be 21 years of age or older.
  13. No bump-stocks are permitted on the range. Any other modifications to a firearm that increase the rate of fire may or may not be permitted at the discretion of our Chief Range Safety Officer.
  14. All firearms must have sights or an optic to be fired on the range.
  15. Alaska Ammo reserves the right to deny the use of targets on the range that may be deemed offensive or unsafe.
  16. Food, beverages, tobacco and vaping are not allowed in the firing area.

For everyone’s safety

  1. Firing a shot that results in damage to any range equipment may result in a repair fee and/or immediate removal from the range.
  2. Consuming any drug (including prescription and over-the-counter medications) that will affect an individual’s ability to participate with a maximum state of awareness and in a completely safe manner, before or during live fire activities is strictly prohibited.
  3. Consuming alcohol before or during a life fire event is strictly prohibited. If a patron has any odor of alcohol or shows signs of impairment, they will not be allowed inside the range.
  4. Alaska Ammo reserves the right to refuse services and membership to any individual who, in our judgment, would endanger the safety of our staff or patrons. Any unsafe conduct may result in immediate dismissal from the range without a refund.
  5. Alaska Ammo is under video and audio surveillance.
  6. Alaska Ammo staff have the final authority.
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